The forest song. Adapted for children

A retelling of the most famous and beloved master piece of LesyaUkrainka – “Forest Song” – for kids. Now, the ingenious dramaextravaganza of the Ukrainian writer can be read by children in an easy, accessible form and understood and loved by the smallest of readers.

This special edition is dedicated to the world premier of the animated feature film MAVKA. THE FOREST SONG.

The plot of the film will be understood  by the widest audience in the world, but also reflect the charm and uniqueness of Ukrainian authenticity, delivering something new and original and yet unexplored in world animation. Adults will find interest in the film’s universal themes, while children will be enveloped by its adventure and humor.


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Додаткова інформація

Вага500 г
Розміри215 × 290 × 9 мм





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